Casey can help you navigate through this process, and help you make informed decisions about how you should proceed in matters of divorce. If you have questions, or are looking to start the process of filing for divorce, fill out the form to schedule a consultation.
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Spousal Support
Spousal support, sometimes called alimony or maintenance, is money paid by one spouse to another after separation or divorce. This is a highly negotiated figure, and we know it can be stressful. We will work with you and your former spouse to find an arrangement that suits your financial needs.
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Child Support
Child support is determined by the Child Support Guidelines of Canadian Law unless otherwise decided by the parents, and exists based on the principle that each parent has a financial obligation to assist in raising their children. Because the guidelines are based on income, parents might hide assets, intentionally take less income, or intentionally stay unemployed in order to pay less child support. Casey can help negotiate a fair settlement in these cases.
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Child Custody
If you and your former partner have children together, a decision will need to be made about your child’s custody. When a judge rules on custody, he or she must do so by considering the best interests of your children. This can be a complex negotiation, and in some cases children may also have a say. Casey can help make this negotiation more fair, and stop children from becoming bargaining chips.
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Division of Assets
The division of property and assets in a separation or divorce can be complicated. The more assets a couple has, the more complex the negotiations become. Ontario’s Family Law Act provides a formula for dividing these assets, and Casey can help make it all make sense during this confusing process.
[toggle title=”How long does getting a divorce take?” value=”closed”]
There are various steps involved in the divorce process in Ontario, and every divorce has a different timeline. To find out what your specific timeline would look like, call the office today to book a consultation.
[toggle title=”Can you get a divorce if only one partner wants it?” value=”closed”]
Yes, but only if the grounds are approved. To learn more about how to initiate this process, book a consultation with Casey.
[toggle title=”What are the grounds for divorce?” value=”closed”]
The grounds for divorce are laid out by the Canadian Department of Justice. You can find all of the grounds for divorce here
[toggle title=”What is the difference between separation and divorce?” value=”closed”]
A separation is an action that married couples take prior to a divorce. A divorce is a legal termination of your marriage and makes it possible for you to remarry.
[toggle title=”I want to get divorced. What do I do first?” value=”closed”]
The first thing you should do is get all copies of your important financial and legal documents together. Next, book your consultation with Casey so he can help you understand the next steps.
[toggle title=”Does being separated for a long time mean I’m automatically divorced?” value=”closed”]
No. Because a divorce is a legal decision, you must go through the correct legal process in order to be divorced.
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If you are considering divorce or have been served papers by your spouse
call our office to book a consultation.
Give us a call today!
Phone: 289.768.0033 or Email: info@vandeputtelawpc.ca